Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Continuing with the 4th of the Reiki Principles:

"Just for today, I will work hard."

There are several different interpretations and translations of this principle.

 In Japanese, it is "gyo wo hage me".

This is commonly interpreted as Work Hard", but can also mean "Study Hard".  English translations have stated it as "I will do my work honestly"

Looking at these various interpretations, keep in mind that Dr Usui taught these principles to be used on a  physical, mental and spiritual level to help individuals live a more balanced life.

Aside from the obvious importance of working honestly (not cheating, deceiving or harming ourselves or others), it also means being true to ourselves in our daily work and/or study. This can mean external work as well as internal work on ourselves.

When we work hard at what we truly want to be doing (as opposed to forcing ourselves to do something that we genuinely detest or feel is "out of sync" with our being), we are working with integrity and honesty. This can be very "hard" as it may not follow yours or others' expectations of stable "work". However, if just for today, we work hard at what we honestly believe we are meant to do, we are working with integrity. We  present a very different energy to others as we support our spirit as well as feeling so much better ourselves.

Working honestly does mean being honest with ourselves about what we want to do and being honest with others about the work we are putting out into the world.

Its a WIN/WIN situation (which does not necessarily mean its easy!!).

Next week I'll discuss the fifth Reiki principle. "Just for today, I will be kind to all living things".


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